
We welcome you to find out more about our operations and learn about the rich history and purpose of our organisation.

Since 1968, Singapore Pools has been providing a legal and trusted gaming avenue.  All of Singapore Pools' surplus is channelled to Tote Board to fund worthy causes.

Find out how this not-for-profit organisation started, what it stands for and what goes behind the scene.

Did you know?

  • Singapore Pools has tangible effort in place to minimise the effect of addictive gambling, and to safeguard minors.
  • Stringent measures to ensure  transparency, integrity  and credibility of the lottery draws.

Corporate tour programme

  • The Singapore Pools Story
  • Tea and Q&A session
  • Witness an actual live lottery draw

Get in touch

To request for a presentation on our corporate history and draw operations, email us at corporatecomms@singaporepools.com.sg with the title “Singapore Pools Corporate Tour” along with the following:

  • Your name and contact number
  • Organisation name
  • The number of attendees

Please note that corporate tour participants must be of legal age as Singapore Pools adheres strictly to a “no betting for under-18s” rule.

Organisations we have hosted

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