Football With A Heart 2023 (FWAH) | Singapore Pools
Football with a Heart (FWAH) was launched in 2012 and brings the private and public sector together to raise funds for the underserved communities in
Singapore. Into its 8th edition, the event has raised more than $5 million for 45 unique charities and social enterprises to date, including a
recording-breaking $1.05 million in 2022.
In conjunction with Singapore Pools' 55th Anniversary, this year's edition of FWAH will be organised at a larger scale than ever at The National Stadium
and include a carnival that is open to public. Join us as we celebrate 55 years of Passing It On, as we bring a full day of football, fun and games to
our beneficiaries, our partners, and Singaporeans!
FWAH is organised by Singapore Pools, Football Association of Singapore (FAS) and Sport Singapore (SportSG), and supported by Tote Board.